Kawalan Keselamatan Sanubari offers next to traditional range of security and surveillance services also private investigation. We have seasoned and professional investigators with technical and law enforcement backgrounds who have access to specialized expertise and skills that are needed for any given investigation.
We offer our private and commercial clients the following custom, unique and innovative private investigation solutions:
– Background security investigation. It is often essential to know the background of the people we are dealing with. This may be needed when we are consiering issuing them loans or doing some form of cooperation with them. Here is where our trained investigators can give our clients the information they need to make the right decision.
-Criminal history investigation. Our experts are here to provide you with information about your potential future employees or business partners. This info will allow individuals and companies to avoid signing contracts or making any delicate decisions when dealing with people who have been previously associated with criminal activity.
– Employee background investigation. It is very important to know the background of our potential future employees, especially when we are talking about important executive positions as well as those that deal with money or other valuable. In order to protect our clients and their businesses, we provide information about people who they are thinking of hiring or who they have already hired.